
Bangladesh, despite being a least developed economy, has a proven record in export competitiveness. Here is a summary of the facts. From 2003 to 2007 Bangladesh achieved annual export value growth of 19.6%, a testimony to its export competitiveness. Whilst not wishing to be complacent, and being mindful of difficult global trade conditions in 2008-2010, these positive trade differentials are likely to be with Bangladesh well into the future.

* Upto May, 2012

  • Manufacturing output has seen steady growth, recently in double figures. Bangladesh provides significant benefits to exporters.
  • Bangladesh offers a most liberal FDI regime in South Asia, with no prior approval requirements or limits on equity participation and repatriation of profits and income in most sectors.
  • Bangladesh enjoys tariff-free access to the EU, Canada, Australia and Japan. Bangladesh is the top manufactured products exporter to the least developed countries as well as to Europe, with more than 50% market share.

Source: United Nations Statistics Division http://unstats.un.org